Допоможіть з англійською!
1) Complete the sentence.
Shreck is a film ... has an excellent computer animation.
A who
B which
C where

2) Complete the sentence.
the Buckingham Palace ... is a palace King or Queen of the UK live.

A who

B which

C where

Complete the sentence.

3) Christopher Wren is an architect ... designed St. Paul's Cathedral.

A who

B which

C where

4) Tick the correct answer.

If you have a toothache you should go to the ...

A dentist

B nurse

C surgeon

5) Розшифруйте речення.

famous/is/ Kyiv/its/for/parks/beautiful.

A Kyiv is famous for its beautiful parks.

B Kyiv for is famous its parks beautiful.

C Kyiv parks famous is its for beautiful

6) Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect.

She ... (learn) to speak English before she ... (arrive) in America.

A had learnt/had arrived

B learnt/arrived

C had learnt/arrived

D learnt/had arrived

7) Complete the sentence with proper reflexive pronouns.

The children washed their dog ...

А ourselves

В yourselves

С yourself

D Themselves

8) Complete the sentence with proper reflexive pronouns.

I do the ironing ...

А myself

В himself

С itself

D yourself

9) Complete with the question tag.

We went on guided tour last summer, ... ?

A didn't we

C aren't we

C weren't we

D don't we

10) Complete with the question tag.

I don't often go to the cinema, ... ?

A did I

B was I

C do I

D were I

11) Complete with the question tag.

These wax figures are like real, ... ?

A are they

B didn't they

C aren't they

D weren't they


Ответ дал: vikaakvestrit


Объяснение:1 B which

2 C where

3 A who

4 A dentist

5 A Kyiv is famous for its beautiful parks.

6 A had learnt/had arrived

7 D Themselves

8 A myself

9 A didn't we

10 C do I

11 A are they

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