TEST (Ukraine.English and Ukrainian holidays)

5th FORM

1/ Complete using: a/ an/ the where necessary

1 ------Kyiv 4. -------Black Sea 8.------- England
2------river 5. -------Dnipro river 9. ------UK
3------Earth 6. ------Polissia forests 10.------- town

2. Cross out the odd word.

Christmas – Easter – Thanksgiving – Happy Valentine Day
Happy New Year! – Thanksgiving! – Merry Christmas! – Happy birthday!
Day of Knowledge – Mom’s Day – April Fool – Independence Day
Holly Supper – St.Patrick’s Day – Boxing Day –Good Friday

3. Put the words in the right order

holiday/ favourite/ my/ Easter/is.
here/ thousands/ are/ there/ people/of.
usually/ we/ Christmas Eve/ carols/sing/ on.
fun/ full/ day/ first/April/ of/ the/ is/ of

180485zsv: Допоможіть, будь ласка!


Ответ дал: malikakholmuminova


1. the Kyiv, the Black Sea, England

2. Cross out the odd word: Thanksgiving

3. Put the words in the right order:

- Easter is my favourite holiday.

- There are thousands of people here.

- We usually sing carols on Christmas Eve.

- The first day of April is full of fun.

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