II. As...as, not so...as: 1) I know that your job is important, but my job is important too. My job is ... 2) The bicycle is fast, but the car is faster. The bicycle is... 3) He is lazy, but his brother is lazy too. He is... 4) France is big. Belgium is not a big country. Belgium is... 5) He is tall, but I am taller. He is ...


Ответ дал: dimasangrybirds


as important as yours

not so fast as the car is

not so poor as her

as lazy as his brother is

not so expensive as ours

not so big as France is

not so high as her

not so beautiful as her sister is

not so tall as I am

Ответ дал: Anymary


1. My job is as important as your job.

2. The bicycle is not so fast as the car.

3. He is as lazy as his brother.

4. Belgium is not so big as France.

5. He is not so tall as I am.


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