срочно пажалуста1 (tall) The giraffe is taller than the hippo. 2 (wet) It's 3 (cold) Arctic is 4 (rainy) It's 5 (intelligent) The monkey is 6 (dangerous) The wolf is 7 (big) The whale is 8 (interesting) The chameleon is in the Netherlands than in Ukraine. place on Earth. in autumn than in summer. animal on Earth. than the panda. animal on Earth. than the frog.​


Ответ дал: vladamozarovskaa14


The giraffe is taller than the hippo.

It's wet.

Arctic is cold.

It's rainy.

The monkey is intelligent.

The wolf is dangerous.

The whale is big.

The chameleon is more interesting in the Netherlands than in Ukraine.

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