1. What is one of the most important skills in daily life?
2. What is negotiation?
3. Only large companies are involved in negotiations, aren't they?
4. Why is it good to be a skilled negotiator?
5. What areas of life does negotiating impact on?
6. Why do we enter negotiations?
7. How to achieve a desirable outcome?
8. What stages does the process of negotiation include?
9. What should a negotiator concentrate on?
10. What does the word "bargaining" mean?


Ответ дал: illiayyy


One of the most important skills in daily life is negotiation.

Negotiation is a strategic discussion or dialogue between two or more parties who have different interests and try to persuade each other to agree with their point of view or to compromise on an issue or an action.

No, not only large companies are involved in negotiations. Negotiations can be formal or informal and can involve various topics or goals.

Being a skilled negotiator is good because it can help you produce an agreement or gain an advantage.

Negotiating can impact many areas of life, including personal relationships, business deals, and political agreements.

We enter negotiations to reach an agreement with someone who has different interests.

To achieve a desirable outcome, it’s important to be strategic and persuasive during the negotiation process.

The process of negotiation can include several stages such as preparation, discussion, proposing solutions, and reaching an agreement.

A negotiator should concentrate on understanding the interests of all parties involved and finding common ground.

Bargaining means negotiating the terms of an agreement or transaction.



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