MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS 1. My favourite 2. CLASSICAL MUSIC - HIP HOP - ROCK-POP-RAP - VIOLIN DRUMS - ELECTRIC GUITAR - KEYBOARD - SAXOPHONE 4. In 5. and it is played with orchestral instruments. 3. The Rolling Stones are one of the most important bands in history. singer is Aitana. 6. The includes operas and symphonies artists don't usually sing. They speak. 9. Ara Malikian plays the violinist in the world. is played in jazz concerts. 7. You need a pair of sticks to play this instrument: 8. This instrument is like a guitar but it is more modern: Jartists can stand on their heads. really well! He's the best. 10. My older sister plays the piano and I play the are very similar. ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО И СРОЧНО ДАМ 100 БАЛОВ​


Ответ дал: reualeksa
4) microphone
5) classical, folk, hip hop
6) drums

наверно так
Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. What is your favourite music genre and instrument?

2. Which music genre do orchestral instruments typically belong to?

3. Who is considered one of the most important bands in history?

4. Name five music genres and five instruments.

5. Which type of music is typically played with orchestral instruments?

6. What does classical music typically include and how is it performed?

7. What instrument requires the use of a pair of sticks to play?

8. What instrument is similar to a guitar but more modern?

9. Who is considered the best violinist in the world and in which type of concerts is the violin typically played?

10. How are the piano and keyboard similar?

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