Fill in “if” or “when” where necessary, and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
A: Now, about Saturday. I'm going to catch the 7:15 train, so I expect I'II reach the station at around 8:45.

I 1) 'll call (call) you 2) … i 3) (get) there.
B: Okay, but 4) … i 5) (not/be) at home, I 6) (be) on my way.
A: Great. Now, where exactly shall I meet you?
B: Ah, yes. 7)... you 8) ........ (get off)
the train, you 9) …(see) a flight of stairs. Go down the stairs, and 10)…. you 11)
(reach) the bottom, you 12) … (be) on.
Farmer Street. There's a café there called Café Rouge. You can wait outside. But 13)
it 14)… (be) wet, I 15)… (meet) you inside.
A: Right. See you on Saturday.
B: Yes. See you then.


Ответ дал: iiiiivv301

Відповідь: I 1) 'll call (call) you 2) when i 3) get (get) there.

B: Okay, but 4) if i 5) am not (not/be) at home, I 6) will be (be) on my way.

A: Great. Now, where exactly shall I meet you?

B: Ah, yes. 7) When you 8) get off (get off) the train, you 9) will see (see) a flight of stairs. Go down the stairs, and 10) when you 11) reach (reach) the bottom, you 12) will be (be) on

Farmer Street. There's a café there called Café Rouge. You can wait outside. But 13) if it 14) is (be) wet, I 15) will meet (meet) you inside.

A: Right. See you on Saturday.

B: Yes. See you then.


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