A Have to (1) Complete the conversations. Use the words in brackets and a form of have to. David's broken his leg. He's had to go. Oh no! How long will be have to stay.. wi I don't know. I parked my car outside the hairdresser's, and while I was in there, the police took the car (1/pay) a lot of money. 1 2 3 4 5 Melanie: Harriet: Melanie: Claire: Henry: Claire: Trevor: Laura: Jessica: Andrew: Mike: Nick: Mike: Nick: Melanie: Nick: away. I've got it back now. But How much Two hundred pounds! That door doesn't shut properly. every time. You're always taking exams. Why We're in a new house now. place was too small. Did it take you long to find a house? No, we found one easily. it was in bad condition. My brother That's pretty early. What time Half past three. (he's/go) to hospital. ...... (will / he/stay) there? (you /pay)? (you / slam) it (you will/fix) it then, won't you? (1/ will /take) a lot more if I want a good job. (we/move). The old (you/take) so many? (we/not/look) very hard. But (we've/do) a lot of work on it. (start) work at five o'clock in the morning. (he/get) up?​


Ответ дал: lywehhhhh

David's broken his leg. He's had to go to the hospital. Oh no! How long will he have to stay there?

I parked my car outside the hairdresser's, and while I was in there, the police took the car away. I've got it back now. But how much will I have to pay?

That door doesn't shut properly. I have to fix it every time.

You're always taking exams. Why do you have to take so many?

We're in a new house now. The old place was too small. Did it take you long to find a house?

No, we found one easily. It was in bad condition, but we've done a lot of work on it.

My brother starts work at five o'clock in the morning. What time does he have to get up?

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