Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. The train
very late yesterday. (ARRIVE)
2. We
at our friend’s house last night. (STAY)
3. My mom
me lovely sunglasses in Paris two weeks ago. (BUY)
4. I
to Paris, but I really want to. (NEVER/BE)
Mary to the surprise party yesterday? (HE/INVITE) No,
6. We
to the beach because it was cold and windy. (NOT/GO)
7. I
my backpack to Sam yet. (NOT/GIVE)


Ответ дал: lywehhhhh

1. The train arrived very late yesterday.

2. We stayed at our friend's house last night.

3. My mom bought me lovely sunglasses in Paris two weeks ago.

4. I have never been to Paris, but I really want to.

5. Did he invite Mary to the surprise party yesterday? No, he didn't.

6. We didn't go to the beach because it was cold and windy.

7. I haven't given my backpack to Sam yet.

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