У мене контроль письма, допоможіть срочно! ДАЮ 75 БАЛІВ
I Choose the odd one out in each group. Make up sentences with these words.
1 businessperson, employee, company director, entrepreneur
2 trader, entrepreneur, customer, investor
3 scruffy, cotton, cashmere, silk
4 smart, fashionable, original, denim
5 butcher’s, stationer’s, baker’s, greengrocer’s

II. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 ‘How ____ tablets do you own?’ ‘Just one.’
A any B few C much D many
2 There are ___ people in the queue. It’s too long to wait.
A a lot of B lots C a little D lot
3 ‘I’m so hungry.’ ‘I have ________ biscuits in my bag. Would you like one?’
A very little B a few C too much D any
4 I think there is ________ advertising on TV. I can’t stand it.
A too many B lot of C too much D a little
5 __________ homework do you get every day?
A How B How long C How many D How much
6 She’s got ______ money to buy designer clothes, but she often goes window
A very little B too many C very few D any

III. Match the products (1–4) with the possible problems you might have when
you buy them (a–d).
1 a box of chocolates a Some pages are missing.
2 a book b It has bad sound quality.
3 a pair of jeans c They are past their sell-by date.
4 an MP3 player d They shrank after the first wash

IV. Use one of the products in task 3 and write the letter of complaint.

A few weeks ago you made an online purchase. The shop promised that the parcel
will be delivered within two days but you had to wait longer. When you opened the
parcel, there was a problem with the product you ordered. Write an email of
complaint. Include the following information:
• explain what you bought and when
• complain about the fact that the parcel was delivered late
• describe the problem with the product you received
• explain what you expect the company to do to solve the problem



Ответ дал: lywehhhhh

I. Choose the odd one out in each group. Make up sentences with these words.

1) Odd one out: employee

Sentence: The businessperson, company director, and entrepreneur attended the conference.

2) Odd one out: customer

Sentence: The trader, entrepreneur, and investor discussed the stock market.

3) Odd one out: scruffy

Sentence: She wore a cotton, cashmere, and silk dress to the party.

4) Odd one out: denim

Sentence: Her outfit was smart, fashionable, and original for the event.

5) Odd one out: stationer's

Sentence: I bought bread at the butcher's, fruits at the greengrocer's, and a pen at the stationer's.

II. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D.

1) Answer: D - many

2) Answer: A - a lot of

3) Answer: B - a few

4) Answer: C - too much

5) Answer: C - How many

6) Answer: A - very little

III. Match the products (1-4) with the possible problems you might have when you buy them (a-d).

1) Answer: c - They are past their sell-by date.

2) Answer: a - Some pages are missing.

3) Answer: d - They shrank after the first wash.

4) Answer: b - It has bad sound quality.

IV. Use one of the products in task 3 and write the letter of complaint.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, Postal Code]

[Email Address]


[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment regarding a recent purchase I made from your online store. On [date], I ordered a box of chocolates, as advertised on your website, with the promise of delivery within two days. However, I had to wait longer than expected to receive the parcel.

When the parcel finally arrived, I was disheartened to find that the box of chocolates had several missing pages. This oversight significantly affected my enjoyment of the product, as I was unable to experience the full variety of flavors that were initially advertised.

As a customer, I trust that your company values customer satisfaction and upholds its commitment to delivering high-quality products. Therefore, I kindly request that you take immediate action to rectify this issue. I expect a replacement box of chocolates with all the pages intact to be delivered to my address as soon as possible. Alternatively, a refund for the faulty product would also be acceptable.

I hope that this matter can be resolved promptly and to my satisfaction. I have been a loyal customer of your brand and would like to continue supporting your business in the future. I look forward to your prompt response and a satisfactory resolution to this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

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