0 Governments need to persuade people to recycle /protect/throw away as much as possible to avoid huge rubbish mountains. 1 We need to clean up /pollute/recycle our rivers and beaches because the fish are suffering. 2 Everyone should try to throw away / pollute/ protect the planet because it is our home. 3 Many people save/clean up/throw away things which are still useful. 4 If you want to save/recycle/waste energy then don't leave the light on all the time. 5 It's important to waste/protect/recycle plastic because it does a lot of damage to wildlife and the environment. 6 He always saves/wastes/throws away water when he brushes his teeth by leaving the tap running.
ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА........////))+(););((​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. clean up

2. protect

3.throw away

4. save


6. wastes


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