Exercise 15. Give negative and interrogative forms of the sentences.
1. Photography has to reproduce nature. 2. The institute will have to
provide residence for all the students. 3. Students had to put questions to
the text. 4. The examination papers have to contain ten grammar exercises.
5. He will have to reproduce the teacher's intonation. 6. We had to start at
eight yesterday. 7. She has to help her mother about the house. 8. They had
to learn the dialogue by heart. 9. We will have to listen to the tape after
classes. 10. Mary has to take her sister to the nursery school. 11. I had to
look after an old neighbour. 12. Mr. Brown has to meet the delegation at
the station.


Ответ дал: qneria18122


1. Nature has to be reproduced by photography.

2. Residence will have to be provided for all the students by the institute.

3. Questions had to be put to the text by the students.

4. Ten grammar exercises have to be contained in the examination papers.

5. The teacher's intonation will have to be reproduced by him.

6. We had to start at eight yesterday.

7. Her mother has to be helped about the house by her.

8. The dialogue had to be learned by heart by them.

9. The tape will have to be listened to after classes by us.

10. Mary has to take her sister to the nursery school.

11. An old neighbour had to be looked after by me.

12. The delegation has to be met at the station by Mr. Brown.


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