Цікава інформація про українського футболіста Андрія Шевченка
Бажано англійською 


Ответ дал: Makc280

No attention was paid to Shevchenko during the selection process for the "Dynamo" school. Only later, at tournaments, he was noticed by coach Oleksandr Shpakov, who suggested that the boy try again. By the way, it was this coach who left Shevchenko in football. After all, his father, Mykola Hryhorovych, is from Osyk. He was against his son's interest in football and dreamed that Shevchenko Jr. would receive a decent education.

Father, coach and Andriy agreed in a manly way, if there are no bad grades, then you play, but if you don't keep up with your studies, you can forget about football. Shevchenko managed to do everything both in school and in sports.

When the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, "all the children from 6 to 15 years old were taken and taken away," Shevchenko recalls. "I found myself alone first on the Sea of ​​Azov, and then on the Black Sea, 1,500 kilometers from home."

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