The county of West-Chester, after the British had obtained 1 of the island of New- York, became common ground, in which both parties continued to act for the 2 of the war of the revolution. A large proportion either restrained by their of its 3 4 ,or influenced by their fears, affected a neutrality they did not always feel. The lower towns were, of course, more 5 under the dominion of the crown, while the upper, finding a security from the vicinity of the troops, were bold in asserting their opinions, and their right to 6 7 POSSESSION REMAIN INHABIT ATTACH PARTICULAR CONTINENT срочно​


Ответ дал: 543793


Based on the partial text given, it seems to be discussing the county of West-Chester during the American Revolution. After the British took control of New York Island, West-Chester became a contested area between both sides. Many people in the area either chose to remain neutral due to their fears or were influenced by their circumstances. The lower towns were more likely to support the British crown while the upper towns felt more secure and asserted their opinions and rights. However, without the full context, it's difficult to provide a complete interpretation or analysis of the text.


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