1 a) 5.55 Listen and repeat. Which words are stressed? • What can I do for you? I want to buy a souvenir. • What about this cap? How much is it? It's $15.00. Here you are. ● b) The sentences above are from a dialogue at a shop. Who says each sentence: the shop assistant? or the customer? Listen, read and check. пж помогите сейчас нужно и быстро ​


Ответ дал: firapiragidra


What can I do for you? (stress on "do" and "you")

I want to buy a souvenir. (stress on "buy" and "souvenir")

What about this cap? (stress on "cap")

How much is it? (stress on "much")

It's $15.00. (stress on "15")


"What can I do for you?" - Shop assistant

"I want to buy a souvenir." - Customer

"What about this cap? How much is it?" - Customer

"It's $15.00. Here you are." - Shop assistant

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