5 Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in the box. There are two extra words.

encourage distract
enhance permit create memory


If you are a major star in the 0 entertainment
industry, you probably get a lot of offers to
appear in films and plays. If you aren't a star, you
will have to go to auditions.
Going to an audition is like having a job interview,
so be professional. If you have a copy of the
script, you could 1

_______________ the lines you
are going to say so everyone knows you are
prepared. Don't be late, and bring your CV and a
few photos.
Try to ignore all of the 2

around you like noises, changing lights and other
people talking, and just concentrate on your role.
Don't be afraid to ask for 3

_______________ to
start again if you mess up or gettotally lost.
Don’t expect any 4

_______________ from those
who are watching your audition. You’ll find out
what they thought when you learn whether or
not you got the role.So when you have finished,
justthank everyone, go home and waitfor news.
Maybe it will be the big break you’ve been
waiting for!



Ответ дал: kashomargarita


If you are a major star in the entertainment industry, you probably get a lot of offers to appear in films and plays. If you aren't a star, you will have to go to auditions.

Going to an audition is like having a job interview, so be professional. If you have a copy of the script, you could create the lines you are going to say so everyone knows you are prepared. Don't be late, and bring your CV and a few photos.

Try to ignore all of the distractions around you like noises, changing lights and other people talking, and just concentrate on your role. Don't be afraid to ask for permission to start again if you mess up or get totally lost.

Don’t expect any encouragement from those who are watching your audition. You’ll find out what they thought when you learn whether or not you got the role. So when you have finished, just thank everyone, go home and wait for news. Maybe it will be the big break you’ve been waiting for!

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