Допоможіть з англійською, будь ласка ♥️.Даю 30 балів,але вигадки буду блокувати. 1. Open the brackets: 1.My friend...(to arrive) in England recontly; 2.You ...(to see) the British Museum yet? 3.Paul... already (to plan) to go to Cambridge on a weekend trip. 4. ... you ever(to travel) abroad? 2.Fill in the propositions if necessary: 1. Scotland has just...5 million people. 2. There are many stories...the water monster "Nessie". 3. About a thousand years ago there wore very few people living... the British Isles. 4. Today many people prefer to go to Edinburgh... air. 3.Write questions to the following answers. 1) The book was written by Agatha Christie. 2) It was written at the end of the 18th century. 3) It's a detective story. 4) The plot is thrilling and unpredictable.​


Ответ дал: breathhhh



1)My friend has arrived in England recently.

Have you seen the British Museum yet?

Paul has already planned to go to Cambridge on a weekend trip.

Have you ever traveled abroad?

2)Scotland has just over 5 million people.

There are many stories about the water monster "Nessie".

About a thousand years ago there were very few people living in the British Isles.

Today many people prefer to go to Edinburgh by air.

3)Who wrote the book?

When was it written?

What kind of story is it?

How would you describe the plot?

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