Choose the correct option

1. The artist used vibrant colors to ________ the emotions of joy and happiness.
A) depict
B) paint
C) show
D) draw
2. The sculptor carved a beautiful ________ out of marble.
A) statue
B) painting
C) sketch
D) exhibition
3. The art gallery is hosting a ________ of modern art from various countries.
A) set
B) masterpiece
C) gallery
D) showcase
4. The painter applied broad ___________ to create texture in the artwork.
A) paint
B) brushstrokes
C) watercolors
D) ink
5. The art critic wrote a critical ________ of the latest exhibition.
A) essay
B) article
C) research
D) review
6. The art auction attracted many ________ who were eager to bid on the valuable pieces.
A) spectators
B) critics
C) collectors
D) curators
7. The art installation ________ a sense of wonder and contemplation among the viewers.
A) evokes
B) restores
C) challenges
D) eliminates
8 Shakespeare was the English ______________ who wrote Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.
A) author
B) playwright
C) dramaturgist
D) screenwriter
9. The art exhibition received rave reviews from both __________ and visitors.
A) fans
B) connoisseurs
C) audience
D) critics
10. The actors will _________ their lines until they know them by memory.
A) repeat
B) resay
C) rehearse
D) redo


Ответ дал: oliverCrimson


1. The artist used vibrant colors to ________ the emotions of joy and happiness.

A) depict

2. The sculptor carved a beautiful ________ out of marble.

A) statue

3. The art gallery is hosting a ________ of modern art from various countries.

D) showcase

4. The painter applied broad ___________ to create texture in the artwork.

B) brushstrokes

5. The art critic wrote a critical ________ of the latest exhibition.

D) review

6. The art auction attracted many ________ who were eager to bid on the valuable pieces.

C) collectors

7. The art installation ________ a sense of wonder and contemplation among the viewers.

A) evokes

8. Shakespeare was the English ______________ who wrote Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

B) playwright

9. The art exhibition received rave reviews from both __________ and visitors.

D) critics

10. The actors will _________ their lines until they know them by memory.

C) rehearse

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