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Ответ дал: 7777God7777


1.1 advertisement - рекламное объявление

2 cartoons - мультики

3 article - статья

4 hero - герой

5 information - информация

6 reviews - отзывы

7 interview - собеседование

8 photo - фотография

2.1) I really enjoyed that book, so I want to read another one by the same writer.

2) My sister is really good at drawing cartoons because she went to art school.

3) My dad is looking for a new job as he thinks the one he has now is boring.

4) When I ride my bike, I try to cycle very fast so I can get fitter.

5) I'm very excited about seeing my uncle again because he's very funny.

6) I want to be an engineer when I'm older.

7) I didn't enjoy playing football today as I was very tired.

8) I wanted to see the latest Star Wars film, so I went to the cinema.

3.1 Shall  we go to the cinema tomorrow evening?

2 Why don’t you buy her some jewellery for her birthday?

3 Let’s  go to town by bus on Saturday.

4  Let’s we meet outside the supermarket

at 7 o’clock?

5  Let’s visit the museum next week.

6 Why not ask Maria if she wants to come?

7 Why don’t  we go to the football match

next Saturday?

8 Let’s go to the Burger Bar and meet Pablo after the film.

4. 1-C









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