2. Answer the questions below. 1) In the first paragraph, the writer describes a) why (s)he listens to music on the way to school. b) the importance of music for him/her. c) how (s)he relaxes before school. 2) In the second paragraph, the writer describes a) why (s)he likes classical music and blues. b) his/her attitude to music in childhood. c) what music her parents like listening to. 3) In the third paragraph, the writer describes a) the effects of music on people's feelings. b) the pictures that music can create. c) why people cry when they listen to music.​

aleksblaze: То там по тексту відповідати потрібно, хіба ні?


Ответ дал: MRFreud


2.1)b 2)c 3)


2.1)b 2)c 3) вот ето правильно будет

MRFreud: Спасибо
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