5 ★★ Write a new dialogue. Use the exchanges in Ex. 4 as a model and the information below. £14.00​


Ответ дал: araben007


Customer: Excuse me, how much is this shirt?

Salesperson: That shirt is £14.00.

Customer: That's a bit more than I was hoping to spend. Do you have any similar shirts that are cheaper?

Salesperson: We do have some shirts on sale. Let me show you.

Customer: Thank you, that would be great.

Salesperson: Here are some options that are similar in style, but they are all under £10.00.

Customer: These look great. I think I'll go with this one.

Salesperson: Excellent choice. Let me ring that up for you.

(Customer pays for the shirt)

Salesperson: Thank you for shopping with us today. Have a great day!

Customer: Thank you, you too!

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