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Choose the correct verb-form.

1. Yesterday in the afternoon I (do) my homework when someone ... (knock) the


a) did knocked

b) is doing has knocked

c) was doing knocked

d) was doing had knocked

2... you... (finish) already your work?

a) Did finish

b) Were finished

c) Have finished

d) Had finish

3. At last he... (receive) the parcel he (order) a month before.

a) had received ordered

b) received has ordered

c) was received had ordered

d) received

had ordered
4. These books... (sell) everywhere.

a) are selling b) sell c) are sold d) were selling
5. Where is John? - He... (leave) just the room.

a) is leaving b) left c) has left d) have left

6. Last Monday the girl ... (draw) the picture when her mother ... (come) back home.

a) drew came

b) is drawing has come c) was drawing came

d) was drawing had come

7. The headmaster... (leave) the school yet.

a) didn't leave

b) wasn't left

c) doesn't leave

d) has left

8. We... (eat) the apple-pie mother ... (bake) the previous day..

a) had eaten baked

b) ate has baked

c) were eaten had baked

d) ate had baked

9. Milk ... (sell) in shops.

a) is selling b) sell c) is sold d) was selling

10. John ... already (buy) a new car. a) is bought b) bought c) has bought

d) have bought


Ответ дал: ivanonaann


1. c) was doing knocked

2. c) Have finished

3. d) received had ordered

4. c) are sold

5. c) has left

6. c) was drawing came

7. d) has left

8. d) ate had baked

9. c) is sold

10. c) has bought

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