II.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в будущем времени. Образуйте общий вопрос.
1. The doctor... to remove the tumour. (to be able)
2. We ... our exams next year. (to take)
3. We... dictionaries to translate English papers into Russian. (to use)
4. The student nurses ... the lectures every day from nine until four. (to attend)
5. V... at the Institute on Monday. (to be)
6. You ... an admission notice through the post. (to receive)
7. It... you to walk. (to help)
8. This scheme ... the number of patients seen by the doctor at the clinic. (to cut down)

III. Проставьте вопрос к подчеркнутым словам.
1. I shall get the results (tomorrow).
2. The doctor will now stitch (the wound.)
3. The consultant will be (here next week).
4. He will get (your slippers) for you .


Ответ дал: axmedovgolib02


will able

shall take

shall use

will attend

we will

will receive

will help

will cut down

2) shall I get the results tomorrow

will the doctor now stitch the wound

will the consultant be here next week

will he get for you your slipper

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