ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!! Даю 20 баллов!!
Complete the dialogue with words or phrases from the box. Use each word/phrase once only.
do I have to/ had to/ has to/ have to/ having to/ must/ need to/ needs/ obliged to/ should/ supposed to/ will have to.
BET Hello. Reception said that you wanted a word with me.
LISA That's right. I'm interested in joining your gym. What (1) ................. do?
BETH Take a seat. First, you (2) ................. ill in this form. It asks for details about you and your state of health. We want to be sure that you're fit enough to use the gym.
LISA OK ... I have a slight problem with one knee. I twisted it a few weeks ago.
BETH Well, you really (3)..... tell the instructor about that, then he'll make sure
that your fitness programme takes account of it.
LISA Fitness programme?
BETH Yes. If you join, you (4)..... have an induction session with one of our
fitness instructors. He'll design a programme suited to your level of fitness.
LISA Oh, that's good. Now, it's £50 a month, isn't it?
BETH Well, yes, but that's the special rate if you take out an annual subscription, so you're
(5)....... join for the whole year to get that rate. Otherwise it's £60 a month.
LISA I see. Yes, I think I'll join for the year. Is there anything else I should know?
BETH Let's see ... There are some rules, but they're pretty obvious. Of course, everyone
(6)….... wear appropriate clothes and footwear. There are lockers outside the
gym, as you're not (7) ................. take anything in with you, but we don't apply that rule very strictly. You'll probably want to take a towel and a bottle of water in with you anyway: you (8) ............ drink plenty of water while you're exercising, to prevent dehydration.
Yes ... Are there any restrictions, like (9)……book time ahead?
BETH No. You can use the gym whenever it's open. Obviously, if you think a piece of
equipment isn't working properly and (10)...... repairing, tell an instructor.
Also, for your own good, you (11) .......... tell us if you feel unsure about how to use
a particular machine.
LISA Of course. Now, the receptionist said I (12) .............. provide proof of my address,
but I'm afraid I don't have anything on me at the moment.
BETH That's OK. Bring it next time you come.


Ответ дал: mmjuliaaa128


BET Hello. Reception said that you wanted a word with me.

LISA That's right. I'm interested in joining your gym. What (1) do I have to do?

BETH Take a seat. First, you (2) need to fill in this form. It asks for details about you and your state of health. We want to be sure that you're fit enough to use the gym.

LISA OK ... I have a slight problem with one knee. I twisted it a few weeks ago.

BETH Well, you really (3) should tell the instructor about that, then he'll make sure that your fitness programme takes account of it.

LISA Fitness programme?

BETH Yes. If you join, you (4) will have to have an induction session with one of our fitness instructors. He'll design a programme suited to your level of fitness.

LISA Oh, that's good. Now, it's £50 a month, isn't it?

BETH Well, yes, but that's the special rate if you take out an annual subscription, so you're (5) obliged to join for the whole year to get that rate. Otherwise it's £60 a month.

LISA I see. Yes, I think I'll join for the year. Is there anything else I should know?

BETH Let's see ... There are some rules, but they're pretty obvious. Of course, everyone (6) must wear appropriate clothes and footwear. There are lockers outside the gym, as you're not (7) supposed to take anything in with you, but we don't apply that rule very strictly. You'll probably want to take a towel and a bottle of water in with you anyway: you (8) will have to drink plenty of water while you're exercising, to prevent dehydration.


Yes ... Are there any restrictions, like (9) having to book time ahead?

BETH No. You can use the gym whenever it's open. Obviously, if you think a piece of equipment isn't working properly and (10) needs repairing, tell an instructor.

Also, for your own good, you (11) should tell us if you feel unsure about how to use a particular machine.

LISA Of course. Now, the receptionist said I (12) will have to provide proof of my address, but I'm afraid I don't have anything on me at the moment.

BETH That's OK. Bring it next time you come.

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