Теми для говорения по английскому, написать не меньше 15 речень , СРОЧНО НУЖНО УЖЕ НА ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК!!!!
1. What do you know about the educational systems of Great Britain, the USA and Ukraine? Describe them briefly and mark similar and different sides.

2. What school subjects are the most important for life? What subjects do you think students should spend more or less time? Explain your choice.

3. If you were Minister of Education, what changes would you implement in the system of education and why?

4. What is a" healthy lifestyle" for you? Do you follow its principles? What would you change about your lifestyle to make it healthier?

5. Are you a meat-eater, a vegan or a vegetarian? What do you know about these trends? What are their positive and negative sides for a human's health and body?




1. The educational systems of Great Britain, the USA, and Ukraine vary in several ways, but they also have some significant similarities. In the UK, students begin their primary education at age five and continue until they are eleven. After this, they move onto secondary school and work towards their GCSEs, followed by A-levels. Similarly, in the USA, students attend primary school from age five until eleven or twelve, then move onto middle school and high school. In Ukraine, primary school lasts four years, followed by secondary school and specialized vocational education.

While the overall structure of the educational systems are similar, there are some differences in terms of curriculum. In the UK, there is a bigger emphasis on the study of humanities and social sciences, while the USA places more importance on physical education and extracurricular activities. In Ukraine, students are required to study four or five core subjects, including math, literature, science, and history.

One similarity is that all three countries prioritize the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and creativity. They all also offer vocational training and the opportunity to pursue higher education. One of the differences is the number of standardized tests taken in the US for college admissions. In contrast, such tests are not as common in the UK and Ukraine.

In conclusion, while the educational systems of Great Britain, the USA, and Ukraine differ in some aspects, all three countries provide opportunities for students to develop a range of skills and knowledge.

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