10 Think about the people you know. Complete the sentences and compare with a partner.
1 _______works hard. He/She is a...
2 _______has got a part-time job. He/She is a ...
3 _______works long hours, sometimes_____ hours a day. He/She is a...
4 _______has got a well-paid job.He/She is a...
5 _______works full-time. He/She is a...
6 _______has got a badly-paid job. He/She is a...


Ответ дал: mariamurzabulatova


1. Angelina works hard. She is very hardworking.

2. Denis has got a part-time job. He is a student.

3. Anton works long hours, sometimes 12 hours a day. He is a hardworking professional.

4. Margarita has got a well-paid job. She is a successful worker.

5. Inna works full-time. She is a responsible worker.

6. Vlad has got a badly-paid job. He is an underpaid worker.

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