12. 31 Заполните пропуски по смыслу данными существительными соответствующими артиклями: с a restaurant, a bill of fare (a menu), a meal, salmon, caviar, asparagus, ice-cream, a waiter, a bill, a tip, a play, an impression, an interval, an artist, a purpose, art, literature, a guest, an apartment.

1. When I go to ....: I usually find..... on the table. I study it carefully and sometimes I order light meals:....,...,....and .....
After I finish my lunch, ......comes up to me with..... When I pay for lunch, I always give him.....

2. When I saw my school friend at .............., my first....was that something had happened to him. During...
I came up to him and he told me that he had lost his job and his girlfriend had left him.

3.This young..... lives without any
..... he spends time in....... talks a lot about...., ..... or music and he invites a lot of...... to his small .... ​


Ответ дал: maskkanal180


When I go to a restaurant: I usually find a menu on the table. I study it carefully and sometimes I order light meals: salmon, caviar, asparagus, and ice-cream.

After I finish my lunch, a waiter comes up to me with a bill. When I pay for lunch, I always give him a tip.

When I saw my school friend at a play, my first impression was that something had happened to him. During an interval, I came up to him and he told me that he had lost his job and his girlfriend had left him.

This young artist lives without any purpose. He spends time in art, literature, or music and he invites a lot of guests to his small apartment.


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