Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with "some" or "any": Hellol Can I find Save (1) bookshops around here! I'm looking for a book. - Sure, there are Phy (2) bookshops on Main Street. and I believe there are also (3) bookshops in the mall, Great, thank you! How about clothes shops! There aren't but there are - What about florist's Hmm, I'm not sure. Let me check. Oh, there aren't today. - Thank you so much for your help! I am going to

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word: some, any, a, or an. (1) supermarket to buy. (3) apples? I can buy them, if you don't. (4) clothes shops in downtown, (5) of them in the shopping center. We need to buy shop nearby? I don't have shop? My sister is looking for but she wants (6) florist's which are open (2) apples. Do you have (4) new shoes. Do you know where there is (6) milk left. Can you please get me (10) good car. (8) car to buy. She wants to spend (5) shoe (7) milk from the (9) money,

пжж 74 балла ДАМ ПЖЖЖ​



Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

Exercise 1:

Hello! Can I find any bookshops around here? I'm looking for a book.

Sure, there are some bookshops on Main Street, and I believe there are also some bookshops in the mall.

Great, thank you! How about clothes shops? Are there any?

There aren't any, but there are some in the shopping center.

What about a florist's?

Hmm, I'm not sure. Let me check. Oh, there aren't any today.

Thank you so much for your help! I am going to...

Exercise 2:











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