5 Write questions and short answers for the sentences in exercise 4.
Did you visit Trafalgar Square?
Yes, I did.
Did Columbus discover North America?
No, he didn't.​
текст 4 задания
1.We moved to Brighton last year
2.My mum didn't change her name when She got married
3.We stayed in London last Saturday evening
4.John Logie Baird invented the TV
5.My dad stopped smoking last month
6.My birthday present didn't arrive in the post this morning

lilegorodnikovoj: Нужны предложения упр.4., чтобы поставить вопросы.
nurtileunurzan: щя


Ответ дал: vertu3591

1. Did you visit Brighton last year?

No, I didn't

2. Did your mom change her name when she got married?

Yes, she did

3. did you stay in London last Saturday evening?

no, I didn't

4. did John invent the TV?

yes, he did?

5. did your dad stop smoking last month

no, he didn't

6. did my birthday present arrive this morning ?

yes it did

nurtileunurzan: СПАСИБО!
vertu3591: тебе спасибо
Nasty00595: Пасибки))
zhanelya318: не правильно некоторые слова пропустили
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