Writing Task 3. Write a report about the holiday trip you remember. Write at least 60-70 words in 2 paragraphs. Use the prompts below: where you went what place you stayed at how long was your holiday trip how you travelled what you enjoyed doing помогите срочно​



Ответ дал: vertu3591

Hi . My name is Berdi, and here is my report for you.

Traveling is the most beautiful activity and hobby which you can do. And there are 2 types of people. The 1st type prefer to travel abroad. when the other type is prefer traveling in their own country. So I'm the 2nd type. I like traveling in my country because here we can do a lot of things and places.

So let's talk about my last journey. It was 1 year ago. I went to sea. I got there by train. I stayed at the hotel for about 1 week. It was so amazing. I swimmed, went to attractions, met new friends, and rid a boat. In the end, I went to my home by plain.

rsat935: А это правильно
bilaldzan290: спс
iljakirienko20120109: спасибо большое
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