Write the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.
1 The obligation to observe all the health and safety rules these days is onerous (having) ......
2 There is no obligation to get an international licence to drive in this country. (have) ...................................................................
3 It was stupid of the government to try to break the strike.
4 It would have been polite to let us know you were coming.
5 We booked the table but it didn't matter as the restaurant was only half full.
6 It is essential that you disconnect the gas supply before removing the boiler.
7 We arrived late at the theatre and couldn't take our seats for the first ten minutes.
(allowed) ..........
8 Why do we have to state ethnic origin on official forms these days?
9 It is essential that patients have not eaten or drunk anything for three hours before the operation.
10 The public are not allowed to visit the private rooms when the owner is in residence.


Ответ дал: SanChima


1 Having to observe all the health and safety rules these days is onerous.

2 You don't have to have an international licence to drive in this country.

3 The government should not have tried to break the strike.

4 You might have let us know you were coming; it would have been polite.

5 We didn't need to book the table as the restaurant was only half full.

6 The gas supply must be disconnected before removing the boiler.

7 We weren't allowed to take our seats at the theatre for the first ten minutes because we arrived late.

8 Ethnic origin is required to be stated on official forms these days.

9 Patients must not have eaten or drunk anything for three hours before the operation.

10 The public may not visit the private rooms when the owner is in residence.


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