Kafedra mudiri O Muxammadiyeva 15 may 2023 y. 1.... you hungry? A) Are B) Do C) Did D) Is 2. A: Where... your parents...? B: They are teachers. A) is/working B) are/working C) do/work D) docs/work 3. How often www. you... to your English course? A) do/go B) are/going C) docs/go D) is/going 4. A: Where... you come from? B: From Canada. A) are B) is C) does D) do 5. I'm tired. I... to go home. A) am wanting B) is wanting C) wants D) want 6. Tom... a shower at the moment. A) is having B) have C) has D) are having 7. You can turn off the television. I... it. A) don't watch B) am not watching D) doesn't watch C) watch 8. Listen! Somebody... guruh talabalariga Ingliz tili fanidan YAKUNIY NAZORAT ISHI Final control 1 A) sing B) sings C) is singing D) are singing 9. I... everyday from 9.00 until 5.00. A) work B) worked C) am working D) was working 10.... you... me? A) are/believing B) do/believe C) shall/believe D) was/believing 11. Yesterday it ... all morning. A) rain B) rains C) rained D) is raining 12. Mr Todd... into the room,... off his coat and ... down. rybjology Tak D. Jumanov Melale Sw may 2023 y dokabl C) will/watch/am phoning D) were/watching/phoned 14. I got up at 7 o'clock. The sun... A) shines B) shone C) was shining D) will shine 15. When the phone..., I... a book. A) rang/was reading B) was ringing/read C) rang/read D) rings/have read 16. The day is hot today,... it? A) isn't B) doesn't C) shall D) won't 17. I... go to the cinema this evening. A) may B) need C) could D) must to 18. I was tired last night but I... sleep. A) can't B) mightn't C) needn't D) couldn't 19. Tom,... I borrow your umbrella? A) could B) must C) need D) might 20. The windows are very dirty. I... clean them. A) may B) could C) might D) must 21. You... go. You can stay here if you want. A) could B) mightn't C) needn't D) must 22. I went to London last week. The train was full and I A) might B) must C) can D) had to 23. You watch TV all the time. You... watch TV so much A) can't B) mightn't C) needn't D) shouldn't 24. At the end of the course all the students... do a test A) should B) could C) might D) have to 25. We have tickets and we... to a concert tomorrow A) will go B) are going C) go D) went 26. Look at the sky! It... A) will rain B) rains C) is going to rain D) was raining 27. I think we ... A) are winning B) won C) shall win 28. It's warm in this room.... I... window? A) Shall/open B) Am/open C) Do/open D) Did/open D) was shining​


Ответ дал: ryuzakishu20


1. A) Are

2. B) are/working

3. A) do/go

4. A) are

5. D) want

6. A) is having

7. B) am not watching

8. C) is singing

9. C) am working

10. B) do/believe

11. C) rained

12. B) walked/ took off/ sat down

13. B) were/watching/ phoned

14. C) was shining

15. A) rang/was reading

16. A) isn't

17. A) may

18. D) couldn't

19. A) could

20. D) must

21. C) needn't

22. D) had to

23. D) shouldn't

24. A) should

25. B) are going

26. C) is going to rain

27. A) are winning

28. B) Am/open

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