Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs is the box.
1. Gina in spain with her mom and dad when she was a child.
2. We to school this morning.
3. My father in a bank when he was younger.
4. My sister to play the guitar and sing at the party last night.
5. I that Emily from my friends this morning.
6. They Luigi to the party, but he can't come.

Таблиця допомоги: answer, invite, live, walk, work


Ответ дал: margmii
1. Gina lived …
2. We went…
3.My father worked…
4.My sister answered..
6. They invited…
не хватає ще одного дієслова :ʼ(
Ответ дал: heherrita
1. Gina lived
2. We went
3. My father work
4. My sister answered
6.They invited
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