dra and
1 Daniel's from Brazil. He's tall and he's got short
black hair. Today he's wearing short and a
T-shirt. He isn't wearing glasses. Daniel's got a
football match in the park.be
2 Nadia is from Ukraine. She's got long hairs and
kirts and a jacket. Today is her
ew school so her mum is taking
exames. He's got long hair. He's
jean and a T-shirt. He's wearing glass
his birthday today. I can't wait to go to
his party.
4 Ashen's Turkish. She's got long hair. She's
wearing a jeans and a jacket. She never wears a
watches. Ashen's got a concert tonight! She plays
the piano.


Ответ дал: tryshyolia


1 you are stupid you can't do it yourself or what

2 I myself do not know what you are asking me

3 I don't know what you are, but you are yourself

4 I took the bike and went to my place and I loved you

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