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spielemir: Что именно надо делать в задании?


Ответ дал: spielemir


  1. Don't forget to take out the rubbish!
  2. Can you set the table for dinner?
  3. I have to wash up the washing-up after lunch.
  4. Did you vacuum the carpet yesterday?
  5. Whose turn is it to mop the floor?
  6. You have to tidy your room before you can go out.
  7. I always make my bed every morning.
  8. Can you please iron my shirt?
  9. I'm going to do the laundry today.
  10. Can you pick up the shopping on your way home?
  11. People who do extreme ironing take it seriously.
  12. Send me a text message when you get home.
  13. We have to attend a concert on Friday night.


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