Срочно 2 Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences. a were 1 My friends 0 The geography homework b was in the park. I saw them. b was c weren't you at the cinema with Sean 2 a were yesterday? a wasn't 31 tired. a were 4 My dad 6 It he is terrible. a were 5 The dogs ball. a weren't inside. a was was really easy. c weren't b were c weren't in bed all day yesterday because I felt b was c weren't very good at tennis, but now b was c wasn't in the garden, playing with a b wasn't b was really cold yesterday, so we played c were c weren't​


Ответ дал: people228gg

Відповідь:My friends were in the park. I saw them. (b)

Why weren't you at the cinema with Sean yesterday? (c)

I wasn't tired. (a)

My dad was in bed all day yesterday because he felt terrible. (b)

The dog's ball wasn't inside. (c)

It was really easy. (a)

I wasn't very good at tennis, but now I am. (b)

My brother wasn't in the garden, playing with a ball. (b)

It was really cold yesterday, so we played inside. (a)

They weren't at home. (c)


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