6 Read and fill in. (20 marks) 0 studied on his but greatest 0 ● ● ● Karl Benz was born in Germany, 0) on November 25, 1844. He was an engineer who invented the first car. When Karl was two years old 1) father got sick and died. the first car and called it the Benz Patent Motorwagen. bike Life was difficult for Karl and his mother, 2) she worked hard to send him to a good school. Karl was a good student and 3) at the Poly-Technical University. One day, when he was riding his 4). he started thinking about how to make travelling easier. In 1885 he invented Karl Benz died on April 4, 1929. Today people think of the car as one of the 5) history! inventions


Аноним: привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, annacosovska, я з зеленою авою


Ответ дал: SamSantBe
1. In
2. His
3. But
4. Studied
5. Car
6. Greatest

kuznecalex2204: Некоторых ответов тут нету
lexten: да
ila229187: спасибо вам
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