EXPLORE INDIA! AN4. HOLIDAY THAT TAKES YOU FROM THE BUSY STREETS OF DELHI TO THE 2 BEAUTY! ON YOUR 'EXPLORE INDIA' TOUR, YOU WILL SEE AND DO LOTS OF 3. THINGS. HERE IS YOUR 7-DAY Day 7 Days 1 and 2 You will have these days to have 5 and see the of old Delhi. You can do some Day 3 You will travel to see the & Taj Mahal. Don't forget your Day 4 You will go to Jaipur and 1.0 the colourful palaces there. Days 5 and 6 You will spend these days at Corbett National Park. You can 14an elephant and see tigers and other animals. You'll come back to Delhi, ready for your 12back home.​

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Explore India! A holiday that takes you from the busy streets of Delhi to the beauty! On your 'Explore India' tour, you will see and do lots of things. Here is your 7-day itinerary:

Days 1 and 2: You will have these days to explore the bustling streets of old Delhi. You can do some shopping, visit historical sites, and indulge in delicious street food.

Day 3: You will travel to Agra to see the iconic Taj Mahal. Don't forget your camera!

Day 4: You will go to Jaipur and marvel at the colorful palaces there.

Days 5 and 6: You will spend these days at Corbett National Park. You can ride an elephant and see tigers and other animals in their natural habitat.

Day 7: You'll come back to Delhi, ready for your journey back home.

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