Ex. 2 Open the brackets: 1. Where Kate (be) now?- She (watch) TV in her room. 2. When Mary (come) home, her brother (read) the book which she (bring) him two days before. 3. They (have) a good time last summer. 4. What you (do) at five o'clock yesterday? 5. When I (come) home yesterday my brother (sleep). 6. He (come) home by six o'clock yesterday. 7. You ever (be) to Egypt? 8. Mike (eat) ice cream every day. 9. Where you usually (take) books for reading? 10. Ann and Tom already (have) lunch. 11. Look! He (cry). 12. Linda (learn) English before she (go) to the USA.​


Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. Where is Kate now? - She is watching TV in her room.

2. When Mary came home, her brother was reading the book which she had brought him two days before.

3. They had a good time last summer.

4. What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday?

5. When I came home yesterday, my brother was sleeping.

6. He came home by six o'clock yesterday.

7. Have you ever been to Egypt?

8. Mike eats ice cream every day.

9. Where do you usually take books for reading?

10. Ann and Tom have already had lunch.

11. Look! He is crying.

12. Linda had learned English before she went to the USA.

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