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Ответ дал: dianakostucok0
creative than what they had been taught. They began to combine moves from different sports and to add their own personal style.

Trickers share videos of their latest tricks on social media and gather in meetings to learn from each other. The first international gathering was in 2010 and since then, trickers from all over the world have been gathering to show off their skills and exchange ideas.

Tricking is not an easy sport to learn. It takes time, dedication and hard work to master the combinations of flips, kicks and twists. One of the classic tricks is the butterfly twist, where the tricker does a 360-degree turn while flipping their body. It's not easy for beginners, but with practice, it can be mastered.

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False

ostapvitovskij: Можна ще будь ласка написати правильне речення до false&
ostapvitovskij: А, вибачаюсь не побачив
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