IV. 1. Choose the correct form:... is made of milk and sugar A) ice-cream B) a ice-cream C) the ice-cream D) an ice-cream E) ice-creams 2. Choose the correct form: They did not pick ... flowers. A) any B) nothing C) somebody D) something E) anything 3. Выберите правильный варианT: Do you remember those people ... we met in Astana? A) Where. B) Those. C) Who. D) Whose. E) What. 4.. Дополните предожение: I didn't... what she was wearing. A) notice B) hear C) smell D) feel E) read 5. Поберите правильное слово к предложению: People go in for sport there. A) Field. B) Ball. C) Garden. D) Gymnasium. E) Forest.​


Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. A) ice-cream

2. A) any

3. C) Who.

4. A) notice

5. D) Gymnasium.

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