A Choose the correct item.
1 I think that
is a major issue
because everyone has a right to an
A illiteracy
B poverty
2 We must tackle the issue of global
and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
A pollution
B rubbish
C homelessness
D racism
3 Tomorrow Mr Brown will
C warming
D deforestation
about poverty to the students.
A tell
C talk
B say
D give
4 My parents won't be happy if I
French exam today.
A pass
B fail
A prevent
B struggle
A reduce
B produce
C resit
D take
5 Jane is taking medication to
disease that she is suffering from.
a speech
C fight
D kill
6 Factories must
the amount of
rubbish that they throw into the rivers.
C dump
D recycle
7 Jack joined a(n)
he helps the elderly for free at the
programme and
A international
C official
B non-governmental D volunteering
8 In order to learn, all children must
A have
B graduate
9 We must use less water because there
is a water
in the city.
A pressure
B shortage
C abandon
D attend
11 Next summer I will
a month..
A volunteer
B found
10 Our school held a fundraising ...
help homeless people.
A task
B event
C waste
D supply
A with
B for
C programme
D organisation
at a shelter for
C set up
D support
12 We should all try and be responsible and
A waste
B use
C consume
D lose
13 Many families in the area are affected.
the pollution.
C from
D by
14 Organisations like the WWF are trying to
awareness about the endangered
lions in Kenya.
A allow
B raise
C require
D create


Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. I think that poverty is a major issue because everyone has a right to an education.

2. We must tackle the issue of global warming and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

3. Tomorrow Mr Brown will talk about poverty to the students.

4. My parents won't be happy if I fail the French exam today.

5. Jane is taking medication to fight the disease that she is suffering from.

6. Factories must reduce the amount of rubbish that they throw into the rivers.

7. Jack joined a volunteering programme where he helps the elderly for free at the weekends.

8. In order to learn, all children must attend school.

9. We must use less water because there is a water shortage in the city.

10. Our school held a fundraising event to help homeless people.

11. Next summer I will volunteer for a month.

12. We should all try and be responsible and not waste electricity.

13. Many families in the area are affected by the pollution.

14. Organisations like the WWF are trying to raise awareness about the endangered lions in Kenya.

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