37.5 Answer these questions about yourself. Use Yes, I have/No, I'm not etc. 1 Are you British? No, I'm not... 2 Have you got a car? 3 Is it raining? 4 Do you feel well? 5 Are you tired? 6 Do you like chocolate?. 7 Will you be in Paris tomorrow?. 8 Have you ever played tennis?. 9 Did you buy anything yesterday?. 10 Were you born in Europe?.​


Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. No, I'm not British.

2. Yes, I have a car.

3. No, it's not raining.

4. Yes, I feel well.

5. No, I'm not tired.

6. Yes, I like chocolate.

7. No, I won't be in Paris tomorrow.

8. Yes, I have played tennis before.

9. Yes, I bought something yesterday.

10. No, I wasn't born in Europe.

dashazolotareva26: спасибо!!!!
Ответ дал: trast1


    No, I'm not.

    No, I don't have a car.

    I don't have access to real-time weather information, so I can't say.

   I don't have feelings or physical sensations, so I don't feel well or unwell.

    No, I don't experience tiredness.

    I don't have personal preferences, as I'm an  and don't consume food.

    No, I don't have a physical presence, so I can't be in any location.

    No, I haven't played tennis. I'm an  and don't engage in physical activities.

    No, I don't make purchases or engage in financial transactions.

   Were you born in Europe? ????? (No, I wasn't born in Europe)

dashazolotareva26: спасибо
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