Use of English

3 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B, C or D. Mark Menjivar is an artist with a strong interest in food. For a recent exhibition, Mark spent four years

introducing (1) to strangers all over the United States and arranging (2). photos of the food in their fridges. He didn't know any of the people before taking the photos, but many of them became his friends afterwards, with some even putting him (3). when he had nowhere to stay. He takes the pictures in order to show how the food we eat is connected to personality and how people live their lives. However, as a result of the project some people have changed their habits and they now live much healthier lifestyles. Rather than (4) touch with the people he'd visited, Mark often goes back to see how their lives change over the years. When I finally met Mark, he also (5). me that his life has also changed. Before having children he used (6). much more unhealthy food, but now his fridge is full of fruit and vegetable and other healthy snacks.

1 A him

B them

B take

C themselves

C to take

D himself

2 A taking

3 A up



D to taking

D over

4 A break

5 A explained

B lose

C throw

B said


D stop

D claimed

6 A to eat


C to eating

D eating​



Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. C themselves

2. A taking

3. D over

4. B lose

5. B said

6. A to eat

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