2 Complete the dialogues with the words in brackets. Use the Present Continuous, be going to or will. 0 X: Are you ready to order? Y: I'll have a large pizza (1/have/ a large pizza). 1 X: Do you want to go shopping with me on Saturday? Y: I'm not sure (1/have/ enough money). 2 X: Are we having lunch together tomorrow? Y: Sorry, I can't. (1/meet/Jessica / at one o'clock. 3 X: I can't ask my parents for help tomorrow. Y: Why? X: (They / paint/the living room). It's the only weekend they can do it before Christmas. 4 X: Have you got any plans for the summer? Y: Yes, (we/ visit/Martha's family in Scotland). We've already got the tickets and planned our hiking in the Highlands.
СРООООЧНООО ДАЮ 100 БАЛОВ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️​


Ответ дал: londrimeago


0 X: Are you ready to order?

Y: I'll have a large pizza. (1/I'm going to have a large pizza).1 X: Do you want to go shopping with me on Saturday?

Y: I'm not sure. (1/I don't have enough money).2 X: Are we having lunch together tomorrow?

Y: Sorry, I can't. (1/I'm meeting Jessica at one o'clock).3 X: I can't ask my parents for help tomorrow.

Y: Why?

X: (They're painting the living room). It's the only weekend they can do it before Christmas.4 X: Have you got any plans for the summer?

Y: Yes, (we're going to visit Martha's family in Scotland). We've already got the tickets and planned our hiking in the Highlands


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