Ребят помогите пожалуйста!

Read the text and for questions 1-12, choose the correct answer.

1. What is suggested about the attraction in the first paragraph? a) it's very well known to Parisians
b) it's becoming better known
c) most tourists prefer not to visit it
d) it's worth visiting more than people might think

2. In the sentence: 'But I soon changed my tune again as we came to the end of the
passageway' the words 'changed my tune' refers to
a) what the writer said
b) how the writer felt
c) what the writer saw
d) how the writer behaved

3. Why did the catacombs come into existence?
a) to find a use for the old quarries
b) to keep burial places out of sight
c) to make quarry workers lives easier
d) to keep residents of the city safe

4. When the writer saw the ring of skulls, she felt more
a) afraid
b) interested
c) shocked
d) confused

5. What is suggested about the 'cataphiles' in paragraph three?
a) some live in the tunnels
b) they sometimes get lost in the tunnels
c) they know the tunnels well
d) not many people know about them

6. In paragraph four, the writer is most impressed by
a) the large number of secret rooms in the tunnels
b) the 'cataphiles' success in keeping the tunnels secret
c) the variety of uses the tunnel have had
d) the 'cataphiles' attention to details

7. In the fifth paragraph, in the sentence: 'I had to admit, I could see the appeal of this.', the word 'this' refers to
a) rules that 'cataphiles' have to keep
b) reasons for being a 'cataphiles'
c) the message 'cataphiles' are trying to spread
d) problems experienced by 'cataphiles'

8. What is true about the writer after her visit?
a) she felt a sense of amazement at what she'd learnt
b) she wanted to explore the tunnels more
c) she doubted the stories she'd heard
d) she was full of admiration for the 'cataphiles'

9. Spaces in catacombs have been converted into
A) hotels
B) museums
C) secret cinemas, concert halls and restaurants
D) sport centers

10. The people that come to catacombs want to
a) relax yourselves
b) escape the surface world and its rules
c) have fun
d) meat friends

11. As the tour ended the writer
a) went onto a sunlit pavement
b) went home
c) went shopping
d) went to the restaurant

12. What does the writer think about Paris' catacombs?
a) it's a sinister spectacle
b) it's an underground limestone quarry
c) it's an elaborate enclosed space
d) it's one of the world's greatest unexplored treasures which lay right under the feet



Ответ дал: chezeoff


d) it's worth visiting more than people might think

b) how the writer felt

b) to keep burial places out of sight

b) interested

c) they know the tunnels well

c) the variety of uses the tunnels have had

b) reasons for being a 'cataphile'

a) she felt a sense of amazement at what she'd learned

с) secret cinemas, concert halls, and restaurants

b) escape the surface world and its rules

a) went onto a sunlit pavement

d) it's one of the world's greatest unexplored treasures which lay right under the feet

jijiji0: Огромное спасибо!!! Просто лучшая(ий)!!
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