даю 40 балов тільки поможіть.



Ответ дал: shamilrasulov2310


1)The police said they had searched a house the day before.

2)She said that two men were burgling the house next door.

3)He said that teenagers often vandalized his shop.

4)She said that she had found the money two days before.

5)The police said they were launching an investigation into drug-dealing in the town centre.

6)The teacher said that the police had arrested two suspects the previous Friday.

7)He said that, in his opinion, crime was getting worse.

8)She said that muggers often attacked tourists.

mohonchykura: спс але якщо буде менше 6 балів. ооооо буде
shamilrasulov2310: это нейросеть сделала
mohonchykura: ясн будим нейросеть ругать
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