1. Linda’s apartment looks nice and tidy because she … it every two years.
A redecorates B is redecorating C has redecorated D has been redecorating
2. Peter and Mary … on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for half an
A have been standing B are standing C stand D have stood
3. I don’t like Alice. She … about difficulties of life all the time.
A complains B is complaining C has complained D has been complaining
4. Zeta has sent me two letters; neither of which … .
A has arrived B have arrived C arrive D is arriving
5. Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even … .
A isn’t calling B hasn’t called C hasn’t been calling D doesn’t call
6. Nora, you look awfully tired. What … all day?
A do you do B are you doing C have you been doing D have you done
7. Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody … him.
A hasn’t believed B is not believing C believes D believes
8. You may take this magazine. I … through it already.
A look B have looked C am looking D have been looking
9. David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he … every
A is jogging B has jogged C jogs D has been jogging
10.Who … my newspaper? It was on my desk a minute ago.
A has taken B have taken C took D takes


Ответ дал: oliverCrimson


1. C. has redecorated

2. A. have been standing

3. B. is complaining

4. A. has arrived

5. B. hasn't called

6. C. have you been doing

7. C. believes

8. B. have looked

9. C. jogs

10. A. has taken

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