Something you want to buy is called an it____

eBay is an online au_____ site, which sells things to the person who offers the most money.

Amazon is a popular w______ where you can buy things such as books, computers, and clothes.

When you find something you want to buy on a website, you put it in your shopping b______

You can make a p____ in different ways, e.g. using your debit or credit card, or Paypal.

When you are ready to buy something, you go to the ch_____

You have to enter your d_____ address so they can send your things to the correct place.


Ответ дал: atishche09



Something you want to buy is called an item.

eBay is an online auction site, which sells things to the person who offers the most money.

Amazon is a popular website where you can buy things such as books, computers, and clothes.

When you find something you want to buy on a website, you put it in your shopping basket.

You can make a payment in different ways, e.g. using your debit or credit card, or Paypal.

When you are ready to buy something, you go to the checkout.

You have to enter your delivery address so they can send your things to the correct place.

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