I My friend Jack, that/who/whose parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland. 2 Here's the computer program that/whom/whose I told you about. 31 don't believe the story that/who / whom she told us. 4 Peter comes from Witney, that/ who / which is near Oxford. 5 This is the gun with that/whom / which the murder was committed. 6 Have you received the parcel whom/whose/which we sent you? 7 Is this the person who/which/whose you asked me about? 8 That's the girl that/who/whose brother sits next to me at school.​


Ответ дал: kvitkamarta56


My friend Jack, whose parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.

Here's the computer program that I told you about.

I don't believe the story that she told us.

Peter comes from Witney, which is near Oxford.

This is the gun with which the murder was committed.

Have you received the parcel that we sent you?

Is this the person who you asked me about?

That's the girl whose brother sits next to me at school.

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